
Knowing our history, so we don't repeat it.

It's a phrase repeated often. "If you don't know where you've been, you won't know where you are going". It's one reason I picked up Arthur Allen's book "Vaccine, the Controversial Story of Medicine's Greatest Lifesaver". I'm still reading, but as a doctor and the mom of an autistic child (who we feel strongly was affected by his vaccines) it's easy to understand how some of this history happened. It's easy to blame a multibillion dollar business, and Allen points out their fare share of blame. Some of these people deserve all the criticism they get. Some truly don't. Some of these doctors were trying to save lives, using a not fool proof process, that sometimes blows up in our faces. It doesn't make my son's autism easier. It does make it easier to accept knowing that some of the people working in this field really are trying to make these safer. Now if the government would just get out of the way....I'll add on when I finish this!
Dec 2010... One thing is clear, the author doesn't know any naturopaths that I KNOW! Mythbusting time. Not all N.D.s are anti vaccine. I understand that public health has been improved due to vaccination. I do not feel it is the only way, but it's the only way BIG PHARMA researches. Some doctors use homeopathy to temper the side effects, others focus on patient education so patients can make their own decisions. Others use homeopathic vaccines, like doctors do in India.
The only certainty is that these discussions need to continue.